Meet up with Colorido at Shanghai Hosiery Fair!

Shanghai Hosiery Fair will be held on 21st-23rd, March, Welcome to our booth 1D306x. he main products we will bring this year are:  digital printing socks in different yarn, including polyester, nylon, cotton; as well as the upgraded 360 seamless digital printer which can show you in our booth how the blank articles come to the fashionable-colored items, like sleeve covers & yoga suits & neck gaiters,

The main products we will bring this year are:  digital printing socks in different yarn, including polyester, nylon, cotton; as well as the upgraded 360 seamless digital printer which can show you in our booth how the blank articles come to the fashionable-colored items, like sleeve covers & yoga suits & neck gaiters, etc.

If you are looking for a reliable manufacturer and competitive digital printing products& equipment. Don’t miss this opportunity. Expecting to see you there!


Shanghai Pudong. World Expo Exhibition Hall (No. 1099, Guozhan Road)

Fair Time: 

March 21st 09:00 – 17:00
March 22nd 09:00 – 17:00
March 23rd 09:00 – 14:00

Contact Info.:

(86) 574 8723 7913

Post time: Mar-13-2023